Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tagging.... isn't that illegal?

Five random things about me....

1. I am a recipe fanatic. I have one bookshelf level filled with cookbooks and in the area above the books I have file folders filled with printed off recipes. I have only used about 1/4 of the recipes I have. I currently am trying to really look at the recipes and throw a bunch away. I also am trying to use more of the recipes... but I find that many of them call for really expensive ingredients.

2. I have been daydreaming about winning the Publisher's Clearing House. We're not hurting for money... but I've been imagining what I would do with it if we won. I would buy two hybrid cars, pay off loans, buy a house, and take the gumpaste flower classes I found online for $500. And that's just the orchids. There are plenty more things I'd do...but you're gonna get bored.

3. I love cinnamon toast. I currently have not made anymore cinnamon sugar and I am not going to. I go nuts when I'm hungry for a snack.

4. My two toes next to my big toe on my right foot are the same size. It's genetic I have other family members that are the same way.

5. I think about baking desserts during Sacrament Meeting. If you've ever seen "Waitress" I do the same thing, but without the crazy names.

6. I know there were only supposed to be 5 but I've been tagged twice. I want Katie to know I also make lists.... It's how I get through some pretty boring stuff. Or how I remember everything. If I don't make a list... I will forget several things.

7. I love the television show M*A*S*H. I think Alan Alda is hilarious.

8. I want to go on a Caribbean cruise so bad. We were hoping to go on one this year, but cars are dumb and expensive. So I look at all the brochures like you would look at the sears christmas catalog and plan where we'd go if we were going to go this year.

9. I very much dislike the band U2. I apologize to all those who are fans. I do not hold it against you. You might not like my choice of music.

10. I go to Jon's work every Wednesday and teach the boys how to cook. At first I really didn't want to do it. But now I really enjoy the boys. They just need someone in their lives that isn't expecting something. Someone to just have fun with. I'm glad I get to help out


kate said...

a few things.. Bracken and Jason both have your toe thing, but not me, and we are the ones related! I totally thought of you when we watched waitress he he he. Yeah for lists! me too me too me too!

Evelyn said...

I'm so glad you are back on blogging. And I never, ever knew that about your toes.