Friday, February 1, 2008

I feel like such a stalker

I am now addicted to looking at blogs. No one is safe. Especially if you have a crafty or foodie blog. I'm probably coming after you next..... (insert maniacal laughter here.) It all started with homemadebyjill (a link connection is on my list 'o links). I am so amazed at what this gal can accomplish. I've decided to be her when I grow up. And from her blog I've been following others and finding many crafty things I'm gonna try. Jon should be terrified. I'm ready to go nuts. Our home will never be the same.

I need help. How do you put in a link? i.e. if you see the name homemadebyjill in my script and you move your pointer over it, the pointer changes and makes it so you can go to her website.. I've been trying to figure it out so you could go to the Sweet Potato recipe. But alas... I struggle. HELP (please)

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